

My name is Jaimie Burk (Rasmussen). I grew up always having a camera at hand, and I began seriously studying photography when I was about seventeen - film photography that is. Film photography was fun to explore, but spending countless hours in the dark room to make the perfect print wasn't necessarily my cup of chai tea.

My interest in digital photography grew during the years I spent at Luther College, where I graduated with a major in Art and a minor in Marketing. This is also where I was known as the "photo girl" by many of my friends - I received countless eye rolls for needing to get a picture of every moment, which one day I will be thanked for ;)

Today I enjoy photographing a wide variety of subjects. Really, I'll photograph anything. I love a new challenge when it comes to photography + feel that's when I get to know my camera best. That being said, portraiture has always been my main focus, but I am open to any + every subject. Welcome to my life as a photographer.